pcie、sas 和 sata ic | ti.com.cn-九游会棋牌

extend signal reach and enhance signal quality while reducing design complexity

we offer an extensive portfolio of low-power, low-latency, multi-channel redrivers, redrivers and passive muxes and demuxes that support the pcie®, upi, cxl™, sas and sata protocols. the advanced signal conditioning capabilities of our devices help reduce system costs while increasing signal reach in connectivity designs for data storage, pc and notebook, gaming and automotive applications.


select by protocols & type

pcie, upi & cxl retimers redrivers & multiplexers

single-, dual- and multichannel ics used to enhance signal quality and distribution for cost- and power-optimized designs.

pcie, upi & cxl passive multiplexers

pcie-compatible passive fet switches with ultra-low skew and propagation delay.

sas & sata redrivers & multiplexers

low-power, long-reach and multiple channel count repeater and mux options supporting sas and sata.

featured portfolio of retimers, redrivers and passive muxes and demuxes

pcie、sas 和 sata ic

pcie® 5.0、32gbps、4 通道线性转接驱动器

价格约为 (usd) 1ku | 4.2

pcie、sas 和 sata ic

pcie® 5.0、32gbps、16 通道线性转接驱动器

价格约为 (usd) 1ku | 30


boost signal, extend reach with pcie gen 4 redriver
learn about the pci express 4.0 redriver how it can help to extend links between host and endpoint.
what is pcie?
learn about the elements that make up the pcie signal path and the effects of attenuation on its primary transmission media.
pcie gen-4 retimer vs. redriver
learn how to counteract increased attenuation with link extension products for pcie gen-4 designs.